Syndactyly is a condition that has been present since birth (congenital), characterized by webbed or combined fingers or toes. There are four different types of syndactyly, distinguished by how the fingers or toes are combined.
What is the cause of syndactyly?
The cause of syndactyly is not always known or identifiable. Some cases are familial (ie, it can be inherited from the parent to the child), and some genetic abnormalities are associated with syndactyly. It can occur as part of the syndrome, but it can also occur sporadically without being able to determine the cause.
How common are finger toes?
Syndactyly is one of the most common birth defects and affects an estimated one of the 2,000 to 3,000 children born each year. This happens when the toes or fingers do not separate properly during fetal development. The 13th. 2018
What does a webbed toe mean?
Webed toes are a common name that has a finger-to-foot effect on the foot. It features a fusion of legs of two digits or more. This is normal for many birds, such as ducks. Amphibians such as frogs; mammals such as kangaroos.
What is the cure for syndactyly?
Syndactyly is treated with surgery to separate the attached fingers. Your child will probably have this surgery when he is 1 to 2 years old. During surgery, the skin is evenly divided between the two fingers. Your child may need skin grafts or skin grafts to cover the newly isolated fingers.
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