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What is the alpha elephant called?

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Females gather in a group called a harem. The harem consists of up to 50 females surrounding one alpha male. Other than these groups, beta bulls are usually Genus: Mirounga; Gray, 1827 Family: Phhocidae Order: Carnivora Kingdom: Animal Kingdom

What is a giant seal? mosquito?

Elephant seals are large open ocean seals of the genus Mirounga. Northern elephant seal (M. angustirostris) and Southern elephant seal (M.

Generic name: Elephant seal. Scientific name: Mirounga. Group name: Colony.

Does the seal have alpha?

In the elephant seal society, there is an "alpha" or male that controls a group of up to 100 females at a time during the breeding season. Other men are known as "beta". Alpha is beta. Exclude beta from reproductive activity by physically attacking .. This means that elephant seals are not the only ones. 25th. 2017

Who is the leader of the herd?

The oldest and largest mother is the leader. She is called the patriarch. The flock walks side by side behind her. She rests, eats and drinks. If you stop, the flock will also stop.

What is the alpha elephant called?

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