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What is the classification for a monkey?

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Monkeys are a primate family and the only modern family in the monkey superfamily. With over 140 species, it is the most extensive primate family. Monkeys are divided into two subfamilies. Many monkeys inhabit trees (trees), although some species mainly inhabit the ground, such as baboons, and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) are members of the New World monkeys, the Sebidae family. In the natural habitat of Latin American forests, monkeys live in groups of 20 or more individuals of all ages. Why is it called a squirrel monkey? The name of the squirrel monkey is derived from its behavior. Baboons are primates that make up the genus Papio, one of the 23 genera of Old World monkeys. There are five types of baboons: Hamadryas baboon, Guinea baboon, Olive baboon, Yellow baboon, and Chacma baboon. Each species is endemic to one of five regions of Africa, and the hamadryas baboon is also partly endemic.

Monkeys are Chordates, Vertebrate subphylums, Mammalian classes, Primates, Superfamily Cercopithecoidea and Seboidea. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press.

What is the classification of monkey families?

The following list shows where different monkey families (bold) are located in the classification of living (existing) primates. Primate Strepsirrhini: Lemur, Loris, Galago. Haplorhini: Tarsier, monkey, Tarsiiformes family Tarsiiformes: Tarsier.

What is the scientific name of the monkey family capuchin monkey?

Family: Cebidae. Genus: Capuchin monkey. Species: Cebus capucinus. The genus capuchin is derived from the Greek word kebos, which means capuchin monkey. The name of the species comes from the black "hat" on the monkey's head, similar to what the monks wore.

How many kinds of monkeys are there in the world?

1 Callitrichidae: Callitrichidae and tamarin (42 species) 2 Cebidae: Capuchin and squirrel monkeys (14 species) 3 Atelidae: Atelidae (11 species) 4 Atelidae: titis, sakis, uakaris (41 species) 5 Cebidae: Howler, spider, wool monkey (24 species)

What is the classification of chicks?

There are different types of monkeys (monkey primates), each with its own 7-level classification. For example, in the case of olive baboon: Kingodm: Animalia (animal) Phylum: Chordata (hollow dorsal notochord) Class: Mammal (mammal) Order: Primate Family: Old World Monkey (Old World Monkey)


Млекопитающие Мартышковые / Класс

Are monkeys mammals?

In primates, zoology, all mammals in the group, including lemur, loris, tarsier, monkeys, apes, and humans.

What is the classification for a monkey?

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