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What is the classification of ants?

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Hymenoptera are the largest and most evolutionarily developed insect eyes. This group includes more than 155,000 species of 9100 genera, including social insects. Wikipedia ants (Hymenoptera ants) are the most abundant of all social insects, with over 12,000 species listed and many others awaiting. The ant family is divided into 21 subfamilies, 17 of which are extant and 4 of which are extinct and are described by fossils. An animal with eight or more legs on its body. The third stage of classification is the class of the animal. Class means separating one animal from another of the same kind. For example, ants fall into the class "insects".

What is the classification order of ants?

Below the kingdom is a gate, followed by classes, then eyes, families, genera, and finally species. For example, common iridomi lame falls into the following categories: In addition to these main categories, some additional categories in between are used.

What are the names of the genus and species of Iridomiramae?

Our common genus of meat ants is Iridomyrmex. Species names are the final step in biological classification. This is one of the important stages of classification as it is the name of the particular animal or plant under investigation. It gives names and distinctions to all living things and distinguishes them from other living things.

How many ant seeds are there?

Ants (Hymenoptera ants) are the most abundant of all social insects, with more than 12,000 species listed. Many others waiting for an explanation. The ant family is divided into 21 subfamilies, 17 of which are extant and 4 of which are extinct and are described by fossils.

Which gate do ants belong to?

For example, ants are classified in the phylum Arthropod. This means an animal with eight or more legs on its body.

What is the classification of ants?

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What are the seven classification levels of ants?

Classification Domain. Army ants are in the realm of eukaryotes because of their true cell orientation. .. Kingdom. It is further subdivided into the animal kingdom because of its characteristic of feeding on other organisms. .. gate. .. class. .. Orde. .. family. .. Genus. .. Species.Classification-BioWeb Home

Are ants classified as animals?

Ants are one of the most abundant animals on the planet! .. Ants are complex insects that live in large social groups called colonies. As an insect, ants have a hard outer body called the exoskeleton and three body parts: head, chest, and abdomen.

What is an ant's family?

According to Jennifer Roof. Ants are classified as single-family homes and ants. They belong to the order Hymenoptera, including bees, bees, sawflies, and ichneumon wasps.

What is the classification of ants?

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