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What is the closest relative to a rabbit?

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Rabbits and wild rabbits have long been classified as close relatives of rodents (mice, rats, squirrels), but new studies show that long-eared hoppers are primates, the order of mammals, including monkeys. We conclude that they are more closely related. Apes and humans. 29янв. 1996

What is an animal that resembles a rabbit?

Hares, pikas, and rabbits (lagomorphs) are small terrestrial mammals including ravens, pikas, pikas, hares, and rabbits. This group is also commonly referred to as the Lagomorph. 2017

What are rabbit relatives?

The leporidae includes hares and rabbits, and the other two families include pikas. So how big is the leporidae, the closest "relative" to our furry companion? According to the United States Integrated Classification Information System (ITIS), the leporidae consists of 17 species in 11 genera. 2017

What is the closest relative to a rabbit?

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