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What is the collective name for a group of badgers?

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The group of crocodiles is called "cette". Crocodiles live in huge underground holes that can contain tunnels up to 1/2 mile. Crocodiles can dig both anterior and posterior, often digging posterior, animal group enemyCollective noun animal name collective noun word / group name crocodile and crocodile Basque, congregation alpaca herd ant army, colony, nest, herd antelope A further 78 rows of herds. December 5, 2021 Male badgers are called wild boars, females are called sows, and young badgers are called cubs. American badgers spend most of their time alone. They behave nocturnally and spend the winter in hibernation.

What do you call a badger group?

Badger collective nouns are words used to describe badger groups. We have identified the following words that can be called badger groups: cete. colony. society. set. When used in the text, you can say, "Look at the badger sete." Here, "sete" is a collective noun, meaning a group.

What are some animal groups and their collective nouns?

We have compiled a list of 60 animal groups and their collective nouns. Some animal groups may have multiple collective nouns that you may or may not have heard of. Whenever animals gather in a group, they are formally called: Apes: Wise. Badger: Sete. Bats: Colonies or camps. Bear: Sloth or detective. Bees: A flock.

What is the behavior of badgers?

Badger behavior varies from family to family, but all shelters are underground and live in burrows called cobblestones. Some are lonely and move from house to house. The generic name for the badger group is cete (sēt). However, badger colonies are called clans. Click to see the full answer.

What are the examples of badgers in popular culture?

In popular culture. In Dr. Snuggle's series, the handyman Dennis was a badger. In Europe, badgers have traditionally been used to predict the length of winter. Badgers are state animals in the state of Wisconsin, USA, and Bucky badgers are the mascots of the athletic team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

What is the collective name for a group of badgers?

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