What is the collective noun of animals?
AnimalCollective NounIn It's Written ContextBatscolonya Colony of batsBatsflocka flock of batsBearssleutha sleuth of BearsBearsslotha sloth of Bears
What is the collective noun of the group?
The word set means "or a characteristic of a group of individuals together." Collective nouns, which formally look singular, are nouns that represent a group of people or things. The words army, herd, and bunch are all examples of collective nouns.
What is a collective noun for animals and birds?
Sl.No.BirdCollective Noun Name / Group Name 01 Birdsa Flight / Bird Flock 02 Buzzardsa Buzzards Awakening 03 Bitternsased / bitterns Siege 04 Bobolinksa Bobolink Chain
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