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What is the difference between a baboon monkey and an ape?

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Apes do not have a tail, but most monkey species do. Apes tend to be larger than monkeys and usually have larger brains. monkey seeds include baboons, macaques, marmosets, tamarins and capuchin monkeys. Ape species include humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, gibbons, and bonobos.

What is the difference between monkeys and baboons?

Baboons are old-world monkeys, but in general monkeys can be old-world or new-world. .. In other words, the nose is more rounded in monkeys and elongated in baboons. • Baboon tails are short, but other monkeys usually have long tails that help maintain the body balance of arboreal species.

What is the difference between apes and monkeys?

The easiest way to distinguish between monkeys and apes is with or without a tail. Almost all monkeys have a tail. I don't do apes. .. Apes are generally smarter than monkeys, and most types of apes show the use of tools.

Is the gorilla a monkey or an ape?

Surprise! Humans are also primates. Humans are a family of apes! Chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, gibbons, gorillas, and humans are all apes.

What is the difference between a baboon monkey and an ape?

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