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What is the difference between a male and female Turkey?

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A man called Tom or Gobler is much larger than a female. Men boast dark iridescent feathers. Large, fan-shaped tail. Famous snood; and wattle. They devour and call for other matings. Females or hens are small, dull and unobtrusive. The 23rd. 2018 г.

Which turkey is better, female or male?

Female turkey meat is softer and more flavorful than male turkey. The ideal weight of an adult female turkey is about 4 kg. Turkey meat is a great ally for your skin. Its nutrients promote cell regeneration and help fight early signs of dryness and aging.

How do you know if a turkey is a tom or a chicken?

Tom Turkey has large bones and little meat, while Henterkey has small bones and a lot of meat. Tom Turkey has brightly colored snoods and caruncles. In contrast, chicken turkeys have small snoods and caruncles, which are dull in color.

What is the difference between a male and female Turkey?

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