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What is the difference between a male and female whitetail deer?

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White-tailed deer has a shorter nose and a shorter neck than white-tailed deer. Adult deer have a round head between their ears, and young Bucks have a flatter head between their ears. the dollar is a male deer and the dough is a female deer. Bucks have antler, but no antler.

How can you tell if a white-tailed deer is male or female?

The only way to know the sex of a fawn is to find out where the important parts are between your feet, as the doctor did when you were born. In fact, the sex of most newborn babies is indistinguishable without physical examination.

Does the dollar live alone?

Normally, Bucks lives alone until the mating season begins, but it is a more social creature. They often live and travel in groups-if doe gives birth after the previous mating season, she will travel with her child. If not, she travels with others.

Why don't you see a male deer?

During the hunting season, you rarely see big bucks during the day except rutting. For some reason. Adult Bucks have always been under intense hunting pressure and tend to be more elusive than all year round. Also, there is usually much more money than many groups.

What is the difference between a male and female whitetail deer?

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