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What is the excretory organ of a sponges?

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Excretion occurs from both the surface of the oscula and the sponge. Special amoebic cells collapse in the mesohyl and their granules are excreted from the canal. Ammonia and other nitrogen-containing substances in sponge excrement are responsible for its characteristic unpleasant odor.

What are the excretory organs of the sponge and hydra?

Some sponges are in hypotonic freshwater and most cells have contractile vacuoles. (3) Coelenterata: Hydra does not have any special excretory organs. Nitrogen waste products such as ammonia are removed from the general surface of the body by diffusion.

What is an excretory organ?

Kidney. The paired kidneys are often considered the major organ of excretion. The main function of the kidneys is the removal of excess water and waste products from the bloodstream due to the production of liquid waste products known as urine.

What is the excretory organ of a sponges?

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