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What is the fastest bird not diving?

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What is the fastest non-diving bird?

The Brazilian free-tailed bat is officially the fastest horizontal flying object in the world, according to researchers who recorded small winged mice flying at speeds up to 100mph. This is more than 30 mph faster than the common swift, which was previously thought to hold a record for horizontal velocities.

What is the fastest bird on earth?

Other YouTube videos Peregrine falcons are the fastest birds to dive and are actually the fastest animals on the planet. 2019

Which is the fastest flying bird?

The fastest-running bird in the world is a flightless bird, but the fastest-running bird is the North American roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus), a species that inhabits the ground of the cuckoo, which grows mainly in the southwestern part of the United States.

What are the three fastest birds?

Bird name (rank) Maximum speed 1. Peregrine Falcon 389km / h2. Golden Eagle 240–320 km / h 3. Nodojirosito 169km / h4. Eurasian hobby 160km / h

What is the fastest bird not diving?

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