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What is the fastest running animal?

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Cheetah: The fastest terrestrial animal in the world The cheetah is the fastest terrestrial animal in the world and can reach up to 70 mph. in short, cheetahs are made for speed, elegance, and hunting.

What are the top 5 fastest animals?

Fastest Animal Top 101 Peregrine Falcon 2 White Throat Needle Tail. .. 3 frigate bird. .. 4 Tsumebagan. .. 5 cheetahs. .. 6 sailfish. .. 7 Pronghorn antelope. .. 8 Marlin. .. Top 10 Fastest Animals in the World-OneKindPlanet

What is the Second Fastest Terrestrial Animal?

The Pronghorn can run up to 60 mph, making it the second fastest terrestrial animal in the world (cheetah – 61 mph). Next to the cheetah, the pronghorn can maintain its speed for much longer.

What are some of the fastest running animals?

Fastest terrestrial animals 11 Ranked fastest terrestrial animals: cheetah. 120.7 km / 75 m / hour. .. Pronghorn. 88.5km / 55m per hour. .. Springbok. 88km / h / 55m. .. Quarter horse. 88 km / 54.7 m / hour. .. Wildebeest. 80.5km / 50m per hour. .. Lion. 80.5km / 50m per hour. .. Blackbuck. 80 km / h / 50 m Fastest terrestrial animals: Meet the 10 fastest terrestrial animals in the world

What is the fastest running animal?

Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇

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