The gastric ganglion is the largest visceral ganglion in cephalopods. It is connected to the brain and is involved in the regulation of gastrointestinal function. 15th day. 2017 г.
How many ganglia do octopuses have?
There are about 500 million nerve cells in total, 300 million of which are in the ganglia in the arm. 2021
How does the octopus nervous system work?
Octopus has an extensive nervous system, including more than 500 million neurons, the same number as dogs. However, unlike dogs and other vertebrates, where most of the neurons are in the brain, more than two-thirds of the octopus neurons are in the arms and body.
What is the octopus nervous system?
& gt;As outlined in Figure 2, the octopus nervous system, like other modern cephalopod nervous systems, is divided into three main parts. .. Two large foliage connected to the retina of the eye, like a highly developed camera.
What does an octopus use its brain for?
The octopus has 500 million neurons, more than half of which are outside the animal's brain, the main brain. .. By having eight additional neural centers that handle incoming stimuli, octopuses can think and react faster, giving animals evolutionary benefits.
Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇
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