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What is the function of the legs of a bee?

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The front legs are specially designed to clean the antennae, and the rear legs have a section dedicated to pollen accumulation called pollen basket. Each leg has grip claws and sticky pads to help the bees land on a smooth surface. Bees also have taste receptors on the tips of their feet.

Why do bees have six legs?

Bees also have three pairs of segmented legs (six legs) attached to the chest. They have a pollen basket on their hind legs. .. They are social insects that eat pollen and nectar from plants. Bees are generally non-aggressive and only sting when they feel threatened.

What's on the bee's legs?

A pollen basket or corbicula (multiple corbiculas) is part of the tibia of the hind limbs of a particular type of bee. They harvest pollen and use its structure in transporting it to nests and hives. Other types of bees have scopa instead.

How do bee legs work?

Each claw has a joint with the upper part of the forefoot (foot), so when a single tendon (non-wrist tendon) that descends to the foot is manipulated by the femoral and tibial muscles, the claw Is pulled down (bending) and those points hit the surface (Fig. 3).

What is a bee's paw called?

The "toes" that stick to each other are technically the toenails, the last part of the end of each leg. Each of the six legs ends with a pair of claws that, together with the other structures of the lower leg, provide great dexterity.

What is the function of the legs of a bee?

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