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What is the guinea pig family?

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Бви́нковыС β€” одноизсСмСйствгрызунов. Π‘Π²ΠΈΠ½ΠΊΠΎΠ²Ρ‹Π΅ дСлятся натриподсСмСйства: Guinea pigs, guinea pigs, hydrocoelinae. ВикипСдия

Which family does the guinea pig relate to?

Domesticated species of rodents in South America belonging to the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), Cavies family (Cavies family). It is similar to other cavities in that it has short limbs, large heads and eyes, short ears, and a strong body.

Is the guinea pig a family of rats?

Guinea pigs are Hystricomorpha rodents (related to chinchillas and porcupines) from the Andean region of South America. .. Guinea pigs, despite their names, are not pigs at all. Guinea pigs are a family of rodents, including rats, mice, hamsters, squirrels, and beavers.

What is most related to guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs are more distantly related to rodents of the genera Microcavia, Galea, Hydrochoerus, Kerodon, and Dolichotis. Includes other guinea pigs, capybaras and maras. For example, the Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris is the largest rodent in the world.

What are the animals that resemble guinea pigs?

Chinchillas are very attractive rodents with a lush coat and a furry tail. Their eyes are large and round, and their large, upright ears act as a cooling system. They are similar in size to guinea pigs and usually reach about 10 inches in length and have a tail of about 5 inches.

What is the guinea pig family?

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