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What is the history of the giant panda at the zoo?

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Giant Panda on the Smithsonian National Zoo Timeline 1972: Ling-Ling and Shinshin (Shinshin), the first giant pair at the Smithsonian National Zoo

What is the history of giant pandas?

Since giant pandas are limited to China, I thought that the panda family lived in China immediately after parting from other bears. .. They were 11.6 million years old and were discovered in Spain. This suggests that the giant panda's ancestors were born in Europe before they emigrated to Asia.

How old are the pandas at the National Zoo?

The youngest panda at the Smithsonian National Zoo is one year old. Xiao Qi Ji celebrated his first birthday on Saturday with a specially made fruitcake, as well as his parents Mei Xiang and Tian Tian.

Why is the WWF logo a panda?

The inspiration for the WWF logo came from the giant panda Chi-Chi, who lived at the London Zoo in 1961, the same year that WWF was created. The founders of WWF recognized the need for powerful, recognizable symbols to overcome all language barriers.

Is the panda's chi-chi still alive?

Chi-Chi died on July 22, 1972 and was mourned by the country. A post-mortem analysis was performed. Her body is now an exhibit of stuffed animals and is housed in a glass case at the Natural History Museum in London.

What is the history of the giant panda at the zoo?

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