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What is the longest life span of a mammal?

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Scientists agree that bowhead whales have the longest lifespan of all marine mammals. 26th. 2021 Statistically, the average life expectancy of all people in the world is now 66.26 years (64.3 years for men and 68.35 years for women). The longest survivors are: Gera Leantary (born 1899): The oldest survivor in the world. Humans have a relatively long lifespan, with a maximum age of about 110 years. However, there are many other animals on Earth that can live much longer than this. These include certain reptiles, mammals, fish and birds.

He found five really older men of ages registered as 91, 135, 159, 172, and 211 years. The bowhead whale Balaena mysticetus has the longest lifespan of any known mammal. The recent discovery of harpoon heads over a century ago (prior to 2007) in harvested animals supports this study.

Which marine mammal has the longest lifespan?

Scientists agree that bowhead whales have the longest lifespan of all marine mammals. Arctic Bowhead Whales and Calves (Marine Mammal Permit 782-1719).

What are the oldest mammals on the planet?

Evidence suggests that bowhead whales can live for 200 years and are probably the oldest mammal on the planet.

How long do humans live on average?

80 years: Human life. Bowhead whales can live for 200 years, and although there are many marine species that live longer than we do, we are the longest-lived terrestrial mammals. Bowhead whales live in the Arctic and have a lifespan of over 200 years.

Do humans live longer than other mammals on the planet?

Yes, as many scholars and the general public have pointed out throughout history, humans seem to have an unusually long lifespan compared to most of their lives on Earth, especially the same. Size mammals.

What is the longest life span of a mammal?

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