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What is the meaning of peace?

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Freedom from noun obstruction. Quietness. "He just wanted to drink a few glasses of beer peacefully." Privacy, isolation, loneliness, isolation, retirement, liberation from interference No or end of war. "The strait should have been opened to warships in an era of peace." синонимы: Law and Order, Legality, Order, Peace, Peace, Harmony, Harmony, Unity, Unity, Friendship, Friendship, Goodwill, Friendship, Calm Christian love and unity by calming the kisses exchanged during integrity, non-invasion, non-violence, cessation, truce, ceremonial handshakes, or service in some churches (currently usually only sacred bodies). It symbolizes. Exclamation used as a friendly greeting. Used to keep silence. The verb "Peace, stay still!" Is gone. "I got up at 7 o'clock, thanked my host and became peaceful."

What is the true meaning of peace?

1: Freedom or period of freedom from public turmoil and war. 2: Quiet and calm state of mind. 3: Consensus and harmony among people. 4: Agreement to end the war.

What is the meaning of world peace?

World peace. World peace is the ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and people. World peace is the concept of planetary nonviolence in which countries actively cooperate, either voluntarily or thanks to a system of governance that prevents war.

What are the words of peace?

Other words for peace 2 Armistice, ceasefire, agreement, agreement. 3 Relationships, unity, friendship. 6 Calm and quiet.

What is an example of peace?

An example of peace is sitting on a deck in the woods watching birds and feeling like a quiet Sunday morning. An example of peace is when the bilateral war is over and everything is going well. noun. A state of tranquility, tranquility, and harmony. For example, a state without civil war.

What is the meaning of peace?

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