The symbol currently internationally known as the "symbol of peace" or "symbol of peace", or the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, or CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) is the British anti-nuclear movement since 1958.
What is the meaning of the symbol of peace?
Definition of the symbol of peace 1: A sign created by holding the palm outside and forming a V with the index and middle finger, and used to indicate a desire for peace. 2: Symbol of peace.
What is the meaning of this emoji ☮?
Give peace a chance with the emoji ☮, a symbol of peace that symbolizes peace, love, harmony, and an overall good atmosphere. 2018
What is the symbol of peace in the Bible?
The dove or olive branch is often used as a symbol of peace. These are derived from Noah's story in the Old Testament. This tells how God built peace with humanity after the horrific floods that wiped out most humans and animals.
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