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What is the most expensive Mastiff ever sold?

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Tibetan Mastiff officially became the most expensive dog in the world when a Chinese businessman bought an 11-month-old red mastiff named "Big Splash" for $ 1.6 million at a luxury pet fair. rice field. The 13th. 2020г.

What is the most expensive mastiff?

The most expensive dog in the world is the Tibetan Mastiff – one of the largest breeding dogs there. The proud owner of this remarkable record is Dazhewang, a Chinese specimen that sold for over $ 1.9 million in 2014.16. 2020

Which dog cost $ 1,000,000?

The Tibetan Mastiff, a long-time defender of the Tibetan royal family, has become a notorious and expensive variety. In 2011, an 11-month-old red mastiff named "Big Splash" was reportedly sold for $ 1.5 million. 2019

What is the most expensive Tibetan Mastiff?

Tibetan Mastiff is the most expensive dog in the world. The breed stands at shoulder height of at least 26 inches and usually weighs over 100 pounds. A Chinese businessman known for selling at least $ 7,000 per puppy was talked about when he bought a one-year-old Tibetan Mastiff for $ 1.9 million. 2021

What about a $ 5,000 dog?

Egyptian Pharaoh Hound puppies cost about $ 5,000. Thai Ridgeback is one of the 10 most expensive breeds because it is the rarest registered breed in the United States. Ridgeback in Thailand is similar to Doberman.

What is the most expensive Mastiff ever sold?

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