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What is the most widespread mammal?

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Mammals. Humans may be the most mammal species on the planet at this time.

What are the most popular animals in the world?

Humans are among the most popular animals. An average of 50 kg of 6.9 billion people is equivalent to about 350 million tons. Surprisingly, cattle biomass exceeds 650 million tonnes (1.3 billion cows each weighing 500 kg to say the least).

What are the most common mammals in the United States?

According to Wired, 6.5 million black kite bats inhabited the eastern United States in 2006, making it the most populous wild mammal species in the United States at the time.

What are the most social mammals on the planet?

Like other dolphins, orca are very sociable animals. Within each pod, females establish a complex social hierarchy at the top. In a herd of whales that inhabit, the offspring are in the same herd for the rest of their lives with their mother.

What is the most widespread mammal?

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