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What is the name of the place where a hedgehog lives?

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They can live in a variety of habitats, including savanna, forests, deserts, shrublands, and suburban gardens. Hedgehog homes are usually burrows and nests that you build yourself. 16 months. 2015 г.

What is the hedgehog house called?

The "hedge" part of their name comes from where they make nest hedges, bushes and shrubs. The "pig" part comes from a small nose / growl sound that resembles a pig / cape squirrel.

What is the name of the hedgehog's nest?

When hedgehogs hibernate, they create a special nest called hibernation. During hibernation, your body temperature drops and your breathing rate slows down. Many hedgehogs lose half their weight during hibernation and must find food as soon as they wake up.

Where do hedgehogs live?

The type that lives in the desert lives in an area with low rainfall. Others live all over Asia. European hedgehogs are widespread in Europe, from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia. In Africa, hedgehogs live in savanna, forests, and even city streets, looking for insects there.

Where do hedgehogs nest?

Their nests are very large and are usually made up of moss, grass, leaves and other garden debris. They can be found at the foot of thick hedges, thick bramble bushes, garden sheds, or under piles of garbage.

What is the name of the place where a hedgehog lives?

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