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What is the population of the South Asian river dolphin?

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Overall, the main threats to South Asian dolphin habitat are: Fragmentation of the platanistoidea population. Habitat loss and destruction due to dry season currents. Escape to the canal of river dolphins.

animalwised.com Изображение: animalwised.com According to the IUCN Red List, the total population of dolphins in rivers in South Asia is less than 5,000. This species is currently classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List.

How many dolphins are there in South Asia?

South Asian dolphins. The South Asian river dolphin (Platanista gangetica) is an endangered freshwater or river dolphin found in the region of the Indian subcontinent, and is divided into two subspecies: the Ganges river dolphin (Pg. Gangetica) (~ 3,500 individuals) and the Indaskawa dolphin. I am. Dolphins (P. g. Minor) (~ 1,500 individuals)

What is the scientific name of the dolphins on the Ganges?

This ancient species is scientifically called Platanista gangetica and is divided into two subspecies: Ganges river dolphin (P.g. gangetica) and Indus river dolphin (P.g. minor). It inhabits freshwater areas of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

How many kinds of dolphins live in freshwater?

There are four species of dolphins that live only in freshwater worldwide. South Asian Indus and Ganges dolphins, China's endangered Baiji or Janze river dolphins, Amazon and Orinoco Amazon river dolphins or bots. River system.

What is the threat to the habitat of platanistoidea in South Asia?

In addition to fragmenting and dividing South Asian dolphin populations, these artificial barriers also cause the formation of reservoirs with large amounts of sediment, leading to excess salt and habitat. Destruction of the earth. Overall, the main threats to South Asian dolphin habitat are: Fragmentation of the platanistoidea population.

What is the population of the South Asian river dolphin?

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