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What is the proper name for a turtle?

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What is the scientific name of the cooter turtle? What is the genus of turtles? Ceronia is known as the Crown Group turtle. This genus is distinguished by its large body size and weight. From here you can follow the next branch to the Chelonia mydas species. Chelonia mydas is a green turtle. Classification. In the domain EukaryotaEukaryote computer graphics, turtle graphics are vector graphics that use relative cursors ("turtles") on a Cartesian plane. Turtle graphics are an important feature of the logo programming language.

What is the scientific name of the turtle?

Alternative titles: Chelonia, Testudines. A reptile with a body wrapped in a bone shell, including turtles, (turtle eyes), and turtles. Many animals, from invertebrates to mammals, have evolved their shells, but none have a turtle-like structure. The shell of a turtle has an upper part (shell) and a lower part (Plastron).

What is a group of turtles?

A group of turtles is sometimes called a veil, turn, doll, or nest. The generic terms "veil" and "turn" seem to apply only to turtles. Dolls, on the other hand, can also be used to refer to another group of animals that is a group (or herd) of pigeons.

What is the upper part of the turtle shell called?

The upper part is called the shell and the lower part is called the shell. On the turtle side, the shells are connected by a bone structure called a bridge. The inner layer of the shell is made of bone. Includes backbone and ribs.

What is a turtle turtle graphic?

Turtle graphics are a great way to introduce programming and computers to kids and those who aren't interested, and it's fun. Shapes, figures and other pictures are created on a virtual canvas using this method Python Turtle. Turtles created in the console or display window (like a canvas) used for drawing are actually pens (virtual types).

What is the proper name for a turtle?

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