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What is the quietest dog?

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15 Quiet dog breed French Bulldog. (IStock) Basenji. Basenji, the perfect option for pet owners looking for a quiet dog, is basically bark-free. Great Dane. One of the quietest breeds is the Great Dane. Australian Cattle Dog. Shar Pei. Borzoi. Boubie de Flanders. Greyhound.

Which breed of dog barks the least?

Here are some of the quietest breeds that generally have the least barking. 1Basenji. Basenji breeds make a sound somewhat similar to hormone or yodel bruev / Getty Images. .. 2 Shar Pei in China. .. 33. Japanese Chin. .. 4 Italian Greyhound. .. 5 Whippet. .. 6 bulldogs. .. 7 Akita. .. 8ShibaInu.20 Small dog breeds that don't bark-Newsweek

What is the calmest dog?

Top 10 most gentle dog breeds Greyhound. .. Newfoundland. .. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. .. Basset Hound. .. Scottish Deerhound. .. Bernese Mountain Dog. .. Labrador retriever. .. Great Dane. At the beginning of the list is the calm Great Dane of all the calm giants. Top 10 Most Gentle Dog Breeds-Chelsea Dog Blog

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