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What is the rarest freshwater fish?

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Paddlefish Sturgeon Last seen in 2007, the paddlefish is probably the rarest freshwater fish in the world. there is always the possibility that a seemingly extinct species is still alive somewhere, but researchers say it's unlikely for the paddlefish.

What are the rarest freshwater aquarium fish?

The world's rarest freshwater fish MoapaDace.Conasauga Logperch.Devils Hole Pupfish.Futuna's Emperor.Diamond Darter.Alabama Sturgeon.Damba Mipentina.ChinesePaddlefish.8 The world's rarest freshwater fish

Rare fish?

The rarest Fish Devil's Hole Pupfish in the world. Location: Devil's Hall in Death Valley National Park, Nevada, USA. .. Sakhalin sturgeon. .. Red handfish. .. Adriatic sturgeon. .. Tequila Goo Dare. .. Giant sea bass. .. Smalltooth sawfish. .. European sea sturgeon. The world's rarest fish species and where to find them

What are the strangest freshwater fish?

Man-eaters and monsters: 15 strange freshwater fish caught so far 11/16. Stingray. "This was the Parana River in Argentina. .. 22/16. Congo Tigerfish. .. 13/16. Giant Mottled eel. .. 44/16. Sawfish. .. 16 55. Freshwater Drum .. 16 66. Goonchi. Giant Shamkoy .. 88/16. Lamprey.Man-EatersAndMonsters: 15 strange river fish ever caught

What is the coolest freshwater fish?

29 Most Cool Freshwater Aquarium Fish: GloFish Danio.Neon Tetra.Golden Wonder Killifish.Kuhli Loach.American Flagfish.Indian Glassfish.Peacock Gudgeon.Bristlenose Plecostomus.29 Coolest Freshwater Aquarium Fish: All Fishkeepers For-Tan Potassium

What is the rarest freshwater fish?

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