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What is the scientific name for DOE?

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Groups of all species are herds. The adjective for the relationship is cervine. Like the family name Cervidae, this comes from Latin: meaning cervus, stag or deer. White-tailed deer, reindeer, red deer, white-tailed deer

What is DOE in animal science?

Doe, adult females of several animal species. See the list of animal names. Design of experiments, a statistical approach to design of experiments.

Is the female deer a female deer?

Nouns, plurals, doe (especially collectively). Females of deer, antelope, goats, rabbits and other specific animals.

What is the scientific name of the white-tailed deer?

Odocoileus virginianus Белохвостый олень / Научное название

What are multiple does?

The plural of quick answer doe is does.

What is the scientific name for DOE?

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