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What is the scientific name of Ganges river dolphin?

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Own Dolphins Ganges and Indian Dolphins:

Ganges dolphins are a genus of whales from a family of the same name that includes two species. It belongs to a non-taxon of river dolphins, but in fact it is another remnant Wikipedia The Ganges dolphin is a freshwater endangered species found in parts of the Indian subcontinent. Adult Ganges dolphins have a calf color of chocolate brown, while the color is grayish brown. These seeds have sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws. Dolphins are one of the oldest creatures in the world, along with some species of turtles, crocodiles and sharks. If you lived in the IUCN Red List, the size of the total population in the south, the Ganges Brahmaputra, Megna and Karnaphuli-Sangu River system in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh.According, the Ganges river dolphins are officially 1801 Ganges dolphins. Found in the Asian river dolphins are less than 5,000. It is currently classified as Endangered (EN) on this type of Red List.

What are the interesting facts about the Ganges dolphins?

UPSC 2021 There are quite a few important and interesting facts about Ganges dolphins that aspirants should know. The table below mentions relevant facts about India's national aquatic animals: the Ganges dolphins along with the Indus river dolphins are a subspecies of the river dolphins in South Asia


What is the scientific name for dolphins on the Indus River?

This species and the Indus River dolphin were both first classified as a single species, the gangetica of the Platanista, but divided into different species in the 1970s. However, in the 1990s, both species were again classified as single species.

What is the oldest animal, the Ganges?

Ganges dolphins. fact. Dolphins are one of the oldest creatures in the world, along with some species of turtles, crocodiles and sharks. The Ganges dolphin was officially discovered in 1801.

What is the population of Kawadolka in South Asia?

The South Asian river dolphin (Platanista gangetica) is an endangered freshwater or river dolphin found in the South Asian region, two subspecies, the Ganges dolphin (Pg. Gangetica) (~ 3,500 individuals). ) And South Asian river dolphin (P. g. Minor) (~ 1,500 individuals)

What is a dolphin on the Ganges?

Ganges dolphins, or the almost invisible cetaceans with highly developed sonar function, Platanista gangetica, can be found throughout the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin. It is believed to be on the verge of extinction because it violates human activity.

Are the dolphins on the Ganges blind?

Like other river dolphins that have evolved these properties convergently, they are largely independent of sight due to the muddy water in which they live, resulting in a small lensless, I have eyes that don't work.

What is the scientific name of Ganges river dolphin?

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