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What is the scientific name of Indian bullfrog?

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Tiger Frog, or Indian Tiger Frog, is a type of amphibian of the Dicroglossidae family. The total length reaches 15 to 17 cm. The head is medium in size and the body is huge. Better developed and unlike other representatives of that kind Wikipedia

What is the name of the Indian frog?

The name of the order in which the frog belongs is Anura. Indian frogs are the most common species of frogs. The scientific name of the Indian frog is Hoplobatrachus tigerinus. It is commonly known as the Banded Bullfrog. .. .. Common FrogKingdomAnimaliaGenusRanaScientific nameRana Temporaria About the facts


Poisonous Indian bullfrog?

No, these Indian bullfrog species are toxic and not harmless to humans, but they are highly feared. They are nocturnal and predatory. They can't kill you. On November 4th. 2021


Do Bullfrogs live in India?

Hoplobatrachus tigerinus, Indus bullfrog and Indian bullfrog, commonly known as Asian bullfrog, ASEAN bullfrog and Asian bullfrog, and large species of frogs were found in mainland Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nepal.

Do Duind bullfrogs have teeth?

Sometimes they hop towards their prey to swim or sneak a surprise to catch them. Strong chins and sharp teeth, efficient tongue play, and fairly large hands allow them to grab and push their helpless meal inside a bit of mouth by contraction and a bit. July 23, 2020

What is the scientific name of Indian bullfrog?

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