The canal system of Leukosolenia is an Ascon type. This is the simplest type of canal system found on sponges. Water enters the central spongy process lined with choanocytes directly through the mouth and exits through the vesicles.
Which is the simplest type of canal system for sponges?
The simplest type of canal system found in sponges is the ascon type. Psycon-type and Leukon-type canal systems are advanced canal systems manufactured by folding the body walls of Ascon-type sponges.
What is the simplest type of canal system?
A) Asconoid Canal System: This is the simplest form of canal system that exists in Leukosolenia, like the Asconoid Sponge. This is the only canal structure in which the choanocytes are covered with spongy cells. Cells called podocytes are expressed by the mouth. Within them, these cells have the intracellular tubules.
Which is the simplest sponge body plan?
Asconoid has the simplest body plan of any sponge. They are small and tubular. Water enters small holes in large cavities called sponges. The choanocytes then drain water from the vesicles. Asconoids are found only in the calcareous sponge. Asconoids, syconoids, and leuconoids.
What is the simplest form of sponge?
Learning outcomes. The simplest form of sponge is in the form of a cylinder with a sponge coil, which is a large central cavity that occupies the inside of the cylinder. Water can enter the sponge coil through numerous pores on the body wall.
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