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What is the slowest maturing animal?

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3 Answers Cicadas of the genus Magcicada. You can have a life cycle of 17 years. Elephants mature sexually at about 8-15 years of age, but usually do not begin breeding until at least 18-20 years of age (see eg elephantsforever.co.za and Association of Zoos and Aquariums).

What are the slowest mature mammals?

The slowest-growing mammals are marsupials and ape primates. Elephants and bears are also relatively slow-growing, as is the echidna, the only monotreme for which data is available.

Which animal is the shortest to mature?

This week, researchers have acquired new record holders for their rapid growth. Susan Mirius of Science News reports that the turquoise kirifish found in Mozambique, Nosoblancius fluzeli, can mature in just 14 days, the fastest of all known vertebrates. August. 2018 г.

What is the slowest maturing animal?

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