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What is the top 10 deadliest animal in the world?

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Top 10: The most dangerous animal snake in the world. Dogs (rabies) Reduviidae (Chagas disease) (kills 10,000 people a year) Scorpions. Crocodile (kills 3,300 humans annually). (Kills 1,000 humans a year) Elephant. (Kills 600 humans a year) Hippo. (Kills 500 humans a year) Lions. (Kills 200 humans a year)

What is the scariest animal in the world?

# 1 World's Most Scary Animals: All species of the Nile Crocodile Crocodile attack about 1,000 each year worldwide, with about 40% of those attacks deadly. The most aggressive crocodile is the Nile crocodile, found throughout Africa.

What is the fourth deadly animal?

Top 101 deadly animals in the world # 1. Mosquitoes. 2 # 3. Dog / wolf. .. 3 # 4. Freshwater snail. .. 4 # 5. crocodile. .. 5 # 6. Triatoma rubrofa. .. 6 # 7. Glossinidae. .. 7 # 8. Hippo. An aggressive hippo male (Hippopotamus amphibius) attacking a tourist's car. .. 8 # 9. elephant. Elephants challenge photographers in the wilderness of Africa. .. Top 10 most deadly animals in the world

What is the top 10 deadliest animal in the world?

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