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What is the treatment for dwarfism?

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For people with dwarfism due to growth hormone deficiency, treatment with injections of synthetic versions of the hormone may increase their final height. In most cases, children receive daily injections for several years until they reach the maximum height of an adult. Often within the average adult range of the family. 17th. 2018 г.

Will dwarfism be cured?

Currently, there is no cure for dwarfism. "These results explain a new approach to restore bone growth and suggest that sFGFR3 may be a potential treatment for children with achondroplasia and related disorders. What is the survival rate for dwarfism?

However, mortality studies show that infants and children under the age of 2 are at increased risk of death. The best estimate is that 2% to 5% of children with achondroplasia die without careful evaluation and intervention.

What is the treatment for dwarfism?

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