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What is the UK's only poisonous snake?

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Adder is the only venomous snake, but all snake bites should be checked as soon as possible. Telling your doctor about the color and pattern of your snake will help you treat it. The adder is gray or reddish brown with dark zigzag stripes on the back.

What is the only toxic reptile in the UK?

A shy but surprising adder is Britain's only venomous snake.

What is the only snake in the UK?

There is only one venomous snake in the UK. The three species of snakes that live in the United Kingdom are: Adder (Vipera berus)-Widely common throughout the UK, but declining and the only toxic species. Grass Snake (Natrix helvetica)-Widely found in England and Wales, including the garden.

What kind of toxic snakes are there in the UK?

Adder is the only venomous snake in the UK, but its poison is generally of little danger to humans. Biting by an adder can be painful and inflamed, but it is actually only dangerous to very young, sick, or elderly people.

What are the three British snakes?

There are three native snakes in the UK: adders, grass snakes, and smooth snakes.

What is the UK's only poisonous snake?

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