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What is true about sponges?

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Sponges are multicellular, heterotrophic, lack cell walls, and are similar to other animals in that they produce sperm cells. Unlike other animals, they lack real tissues and organs. Some of them are radially symmetric, but most are asymmetric.

What are the five facts about sponges?

Five facts about sponges Early fossil records show that sponges lived on Earth about 600 million years ago. For animals without a complex nervous system, digestive system, or circulatory system, this is a very long time! Some deep-sea sponges can live up to more than 200 years ago. The sponge is a master filter. 5 Facts about Sponge-Sanibel Sea School

What are the four characteristics of sponge?

General characteristics of sponges: Habitat: Advertising :. Body shape: Those bodies are porous, that is, they have pores. .. Symmetry: Most sponges are asymmetric. .. Germ :. Organizational level :. Body wall :. Canal system :. Skeleton (figure sponge: characters and classification

What is true about sponges?

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