Water intoxication, also known as hyponatremia, is a relatively rare but potentially deadly condition that is most common in dogs who love to play in the water. Water games, such as collecting items or jumping into a pool to catch a toy, can ingest large amounts of water very quickly. April. 2018 г.
What is a water intoxicated dog?
Symptoms of water intoxication include stagger / loss of coordination, apathy, nausea, abdominal distension, vomiting, dilated pupils, glossy eyes, bright gum color, and excessive salivation. In severe cases, it can lead to dyspnea, collapse, loss of consciousness, seizures, coma, and even death.
How do you prevent water intoxication in dogs?
The best way to prevent water intoxication is to limit the amount of time your dog spends in the water. To limit the risk of swallowing too much water, encourage dogs to play on land every 10 to 15 minutes. 19th. 2019
What is water intoxication?
Water intoxication, also known as water intoxication, overhydration, overhydration, or water intoxication, occurs when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body exceeds safety limits due to excessive fluid intake. It is a potentially fatal impairment of function.
How can I tell if my dog is water intoxicated?
Symptoms of water intoxication in dogs 1 lethargy.2bloating.3vomiting.4 Loss of coordination (including trips, falls and staggers) 5 Restlessness. 6 Drooling. 7 Dilated gums. 8 Pupil Expansion. Can dogs drink too much water? Danger of water intoxication
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