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What kind of animals live in the Ganges River?

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We help improve the river, while so-called magnificent for turtles, gharial dolphins, otters, masir fish, and my favorite so far, the empty / pot-shaped bulbous nose. We also support some amazing and unique wildlife, such as the dolphin gharial! !!

How many animals live in the Ganges?

The Ganges and its tributaries run over 2,500 km of major rivers, with more than 140 species of fish, 90 species of amphibians and many birds, with the exception of the famous reptiles and mammals. Inhabits. And this does not include Sundarbans, a biodiversity-rich delta.

Are there crocodiles on the Ganges?

Crocodiles are sometimes seen in rivers, but it's definitely the first time they've set foot in human habitat, Tiwali said. It is possible that the current prevailing Ganges stream has pushed the crocodile away.

Is it safe to swim in the Ganges?

Yes, it's 100% safe to swim in the Ganges, but it gets deeper as you start moving towards the middle, so only if you're good at swimming. Yes, the water is a little dirty, but now millions of people bathe in the Ganges and it's okay after bathing.

Are there any fish in the Ganges?

The Ganges is the largest river in India and the fifth longest river in the world. .. We have recorded and described 143 freshwater fish species in all areas of the river, higher than previously reported. Some species were observed with shifts in their distribution range.

What kind of animals live in the Ganges River?

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