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What kind of claws do lobsters have?

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What kind of claws does the red shrimp have?

Each lobster has two different claws, a large crusher claw and a small pincher claw. Crusher claws have raised edges that resemble molars and are used to crush hard foods such as clams and crabs. Pincher claws, or ripper claws, are used to tear soft prey such as worms and fish.

What are the two lobster claws called?

Claws: Red shrimp use their claws to catch food and fight predators and other red shrimp. The larger of the two claws is called the crusher claw and the smaller claw is called the pincer or cutter claw. Hard shell lobster claws are full of tender and sweet meat.

Do lobsters have sharp claws?

Although red shrimp have several claws, most of us usually recognize two major claws. .. The smaller of the two is called the "scissors" claw and has sharp teeth to tear the food before eating.

Do red shrimp have two different claws?

Each lobster has two different claws, a large crusher claw and a small pincher claw. Crusher claws have raised edges that resemble molars and are used to crush hard foods such as clams and crabs. Pincher claws, or ripper claws, are used to tear soft prey such as worms and fish.

What kind of claws do lobsters have?

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