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What makes a Cheetah so flexible?

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Structurally, the cheetah has a unique and flexible spine that allows for extreme flexion and extension when running at maximum speed. In spinal flexion, when the cat's legs are directly below the body, the scapula and hip joints can rotate to extreme angles where the cheetah's front and rear legs overlap. June. 2012г.

Why are cheetahs so flexible?

The spine is so flexible that the cheetah can quickly move the two back legs in front of the two front legs. In addition to some unique hips, this movement helps the cheetah extend the distance per stride. .. Unlike other cats, cheetahs cannot retract their claws into their forefoot. 2016

What makes cheetahs so fast?

Huge leg muscles that expand faster and produce faster speeds. Compact and lightweight body. With long legs, loose hips, loose shoulder joints, and a flexible spine, the cheetah can run 20 to 25 feet in one stride, or long steps. 2021

How does the cheetah work?

The cheetah's claws are like running spikes and are used to chase prey and increase traction. The ridge that runs along the footpad acts like a tread on the tire, increasing traction. The cheetah's forelimbs have curved dewclaw. During the chase, as the cheetah approaches the target, it will stumble the prey animal with its dewclaw.

Do you think the cheetah has long legs and a flexible spine?

The cheetah's agility is primarily based on his long legs, but the rest of his body works together to help him move at extreme speeds. His sleek body is aerodynamic and his flexible spine acts as an extended spring on his hind legs, helping with additional stride size.

What makes a Cheetah so flexible?

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