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What makes chimpanzees intelligent?

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The neocortex (the outermost layer of the brain, characterized by wavy grooves or folds of the brain) is the area that gives all primates extraordinary intelligence. In both chimpanzees and humans, this area of ​​the brain continues to grow and organize for years after birth, allowing it to learn and grow socially.

How smart are chimpanzees?

Chimpanzees are extremely intelligent and can solve a variety of problems faced by human trainers and experimenters. .. Communication between wild chimpanzees takes the form of facial expressions, gestures, and vocalizations such as screams, barks, growls, and roars.

What are the two highly intelligent behaviors observed in chimpanzees?

Chimpanzees and other apes are known for their intellect. They can play with words, play with things, and even mourn the death of a friend. 12th. 2014

Who is the most intelligent chimpanzee?

In the largest and most detailed study of chimpanzee intelligence, researchers found the smartest of the 106 chimpanzees tested by Natasha. This suggests that apes also have a genius.

Are chimpanzees smarter than other chimpanzees?

Chimpanzees don't just make you smarter by appealing to others. Like humans, chimpanzees inherit a significant amount of intelligence from their parents, new research reveals.

What makes chimpanzees intelligent?

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