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What other animals have hands?

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It is believed that monkeys have hands and almost all primates have hands. Primates use these hands to grab tree branches, grab them, etc

What animals have human-like hands?

Family Callitrichidae (Callitrichidae, Tamarin) Cebidae (New World Monkey) Cercopithecidae (Old World Monkey) Cheirogaleidae (Dwarf Lemuriformes, Mouse Lemuriformes) Daubentoniidae (aye-ayes) Galagodae (Human Monkey, Hominidae) ) Monkeys, great apes, fox monkeys, humans-new.

Which animal has many hands?

With one hand, one finger extends centimeters longer than the other. An evolutionary adaptation to reach for a hollow log and pierce the juicy larvae inside with a spear. "Aye-aye has the crazyest hands of any primate," said Adam Hartstone-Rose, a biologist at North Carolina State University.

Do animals have hands?

Humans live in a right-handed world. .. For many years, scientists believed that the dominant hand was unique to humans. However, according to ever-increasing research, many animals have favorable hands, limbs, and even tentacles, which probably start in the brain.

Are monkeys the only animals with hands?

With three exceptions, all primates hold five-digit numbers on their hands and feet. The exceptions are South American spider monkeys and so-called wool spider monkeys and African colobines monkeys, which have lost or reduced their thumbs.

What other animals have hands?

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