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What should I Feed my mice?

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Help the mouse feed on cooked or raw pasta. Various fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, curly kale, strawberries and grapes. A small amount of boiled eggs. Beans and cereals. Fresh mealworms – one or two at a time, unless already included in dry food.

What should mice not be fed?

These foods include walnuts, green beans, rhubarb, onions, raisins and grapes. Do not give these foods to mice. Wheat, lettuce and corn are all unsuitable for mice. It can cause tummy pain and diarrhea in poor children.

What do mice usually eat?

In fact, they like to eat fruits, seeds and grains. They are omnivorous, that is, they eat both plants and meat, and the common mouse will eat almost anything it can find. In fact, when food is scarce, mice can even eat each other.

What should I Feed my mice?

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