The snail mating season is usually late spring or early summer. In some warm climates, it can happen in the fall, or even several times a year. Mating occurs after sunset, when snails are at peak activity.
In what season do garden snails lay their eggs?
Most spawning occurs in winter, but can continue if the soil remains moist. Common garden snails can hibernate in the soil or at the roots of plants if the temperature is too low. If the soil is moist, some spawning can still occur in the spring. 2020
What time of the year are snails active?
All gardeners know that slugs and snails are active in warm weather and not in cold weather. It comes out after it rains or when you water the plants. This is the perfect time to feed slug and snail pellets. They hibernate or die during heat and drought.
When can snails breed?
Snails can breed when they are 1 year old (lives up to 5-7 years old, but can be 25 years old!). At that time, you need to find a snail partner to mate. After mating, each snail lays eggs in the soil (terrestrial snails) or behind rocks (marine snails).
Depending on the water temperature, it may take 1 to 5 weeks to hatch. The higher the water temperature, the faster the eggs will hatch.
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