Cockroaches undergo incomplete metamorphosis consisting of three stages: egg, nymph (immature), and adult.
Are cockroaches metamorphosis?
Cockroaches are caused by gradual metamorphosis. However, all cockroaches are caused by completing a life cycle consisting of three different stages: Egg (ootheca)
Is the cockroach metamorphosis incomplete?
Insects that cause incomplete metamorphosis include grasshoppers, cicadas, cockroaches, and lice.
What kind of life cycle does a cockroach have?
The cockroach life cycle consists of three developmental stages: eggs, nymphs, and adults. Most cockroaches are oviparous — their young cockroaches grow on eggs outside the mother's body. In these species, cockroaches carry eggs to a sac called ootheca attached to the abdomen.
What is the type of metamorphosis?
Types of metamorphosis: (1) metamorphosis or direct development: (2) stepwise metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis: (3) incomplete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis: (4) complete metamorphosis or complete metamorphosis: ( 5) Hypermetamorphosis or hypermetamorphosis development: Metamorphosis: Types of hormones, events, roles
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