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What type of nervous system do cephalopods have?

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Cephalopods also share basic central nervous system tissue, but elaborate lineage-specific specializations can obscure this design. May 23, 2019

Does the cephalopod have a central nervous system?

Cephalopods have developed an expanded and centralized CNS that enables amazing behavior and complex cognition.

What kind of nervous system does an octopus have?

Octopus has an extensive nervous system, including more than 500 million neurons, the same number as dogs. However, unlike dogs and other vertebrates, where most of the neurons are in the brain, more than two-thirds of the octopus neurons are in the arms and body.

How is the nervous system of cephalopods different from other nervous systems? Mollusks?

Cephalopods have a more developed nervous system than other mollusks. They also have very well-developed vision used to find prey. When you find your prey, squeeze it and eat it with your mouth at the base of your arm. Cephalopods also have a parrot-like beak, which is used to chew prey.

What kind of nervous system does squid have?

Cephalopod NS surrounds 1) the stellate ganglion, the arm / tentacle nerve cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) with some sparse ganglions, and 2) the brain. It is composed of the central nervous system (CNS). Cartilage capsule and foliar (Fig.

What type of nervous system do cephalopods have?

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