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What would you name an albino hedgehog?

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The albino hedgehog names the White Wizard. Eskimo. Swing (or swing) diamond. Blanche. Ice cube. Lily. Nave.

What is the name of the white hedgehog?

Southern White-breasted Hedgehog Family: ErinaceidaeGenus: ErinaceusSpecies: E. concolorBinomial name

What is the name of the famous hedgehog?

At the top of the list of the most popular hedgehog names is Sonic the Hedgehog, famous for Sega video games. Some of Sonic's friends are on the list: Amy Rose, Silver, Shadow, Super Sonic. May 2020.

Do hedgehogs recognize their names?

Hedgehogs do not recognize their names like dogs and cats. But if you name them and call them often, they will respond and pay attention to you because their names and your voice are well known. As long as your voice is familiar with them, they will even react to different names.

Is it better to get a boy or girl hedgehog?

Cohabitation and Gender Differences Female hedgehogs are more prone to coexistence than males due to the lack of testosterone and the risk of aggression during sexual prime. Males raised together and not exposed to females can coexist well.

What would you name an albino hedgehog?

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