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What's the second largest mammal in the world?

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What is the second largest mammal in the world?

The fin whale is the second largest animal in the history of the earth. With a length of at least 85 feet (26 m) and a weight of 80 tonnes, this species is second only to its closely related species, the blue whale.

What are the five largest animals that have ever lived?

Others are certainly prehistoric creatures, dwarfing the African elephant, today's largest terrestrial animal, weighing about 14,000 pounds. blue whale. The largest animal known to exist today or throughout history is the blue whale. .. Argentinosaurus. .. Spinosaurus. .. Megalodon. List of the largest animals ever recorded

What is the second largest terrestrial animal in the world?

According to Rhino Conservation Botswana, the white rhino is the second largest terrestrial animal after elephants. It weighs up to 7,700 pounds (3492.7 kilograms).

Which animal is larger than an elephant?

Blue whale. The blue whale is the largest animal ever to exist. Learn why they are bigger than any terrestrial animal and why they have been hunted for years. The blue whale's tongue alone weighs as much as an elephant, and its heart is as heavy as a car.

What's the second largest mammal in the world?

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