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When was the Ganges river dolphin discovered?

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The Ganges dolphin was officially discovered in 1801. Dolphins on the Ganges once inhabited the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Megna and Karnafuri-Sang river systems in Nepal, India and Bangladesh. According to the IUCN Red List, the total population of Kawadolka in South Asia is less than 5,000. This species is currently classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List.

What is the scientific name of the Ganges dolphin?

The Ganges dolphin (also known as the South Asian river dolphin), officially discovered in 1801, is not only the only member of the genus, but also a family of Platanistoidea. But there is also. Dolphins on the Ganges are mainly found in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and Karnapuri-Sang (GBMK) rivers in Bangladesh and India (hence the name).

What is the oldest animal on the Ganges?

Ganges dolphins. fact. Dolphins are one of the oldest creatures in the world, along with some species of turtles, crocodiles and sharks. The Ganges dolphin was officially discovered in 1801.

How to save the dolphins on the Ganges?

With the support of the State Forest Department of Uttar Pradesh, a strategy and action plan for the protection of dolphins on the Ganges has been developed. A network of partners has also been created to protect the Ganges dolphins in the country. Dolphins on the Ganges prefer the deep sea at and around the confluence of the river.

What is the population of Kawadolka in South Asia?

The South Asian river dolphin (Platanista gangetica) is an endangered freshwater or river dolphin found in the South Asian region, and two subspecies, the Ganges dolphin (Pg. Gangetica) (~ 3,500). Individuals) and South Asian river dolphins (P. g. Minor) (~ 1,500 individuals).

How many dolphins on the Ganges River remain in the world in 2021?

Approximately 2,500 to 3,000 dolphins from the Ganges live in the wild.

Where can I find dolphins on the Ganges?

The Ganges dolphins live in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and Karnapuri-Sang river systems of Bangladesh and India. Several individuals have survived on the Ghaghara and perhaps Saptakoshi rivers in Nepal.

How many dolphins on the Ganges are left in the world?

Currently, about 2000 individuals remain, and it is estimated that only about 20 remain in some subpopulations (Braulik 2015a).

Are the dolphins on the Ganges blind?

Ganges dolphins are generally blind and catch their prey in a unique way. They emit ultrasonic waves that reach their prey.

When was the Ganges river dolphin discovered?

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