Based on the fossil evidence available at the time, "there was only one species per block of time," he says. About 2 million years ago, with the advent of the genus Homo, the Hominini became more diverse. May 27, 2015
When did most Hominini live at the same time?
Major fossil discoveries over the past few decades in Africa indicate that multiple early human ancestral species lived simultaneously over 3 million years ago.
When did hominids live?
The Sahelanthropus is the earliest, dating back 7 to 6 million years. Orrorin lived about 6 million years ago, but the body of Ardipithecus is said to be 5.8 to 4.4 million years old.
Where in the world did most apes evolve?
Important Facts Modern humans were born in Africa within the last 200,000 years and evolved from the most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus. Modern human (Homo sapiens), species? Being with us means "wise man" in Latin. 2021
What is Hominini Diversity?
Tax diversity for Hominini clade refers to evidence that multiple species were included at some point in its evolutionary history.
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